„At Fair Wear Foundation, we know there’s a better way to make clothes. We want to see a world where the garment industry supports workers in realising their rights to safe, dignified, properly paid employment.
To do this, we focus on garment production, specifically sewing, cutting and trimming processes–the most labour intensive parts of the supply chain. We work with our 140+ member brands, who are committed to finding a fairer way to make clothes, and we engage directly with factories, trade unions, NGOs and governments to find answers to problems others think are unsolvable. Together we’re stitching together new solutions across the supply chain to make fashion fair for everyone.
A partnership for a more ethical garment industry.
Fair fashion—a new normal
Working with our member brands here and on the ground in production countries across Asia, Europe and Africa, we take practical steps to show that it’s possible to make clothes in a fairer way. Our member brands are doing advanced work. However, we will need all brands, trade unions and other labour rights NGOs on board to transform the industry, to make sure social responsibility will not be considered an optional add-on, a favour we’re providing to garment workers. Fair fashion is about fundamental rights. Therefore, together with trade unions and other NGOs, we are pushing towards a new normal—creating change that goes far beyond our reach.“