Ökodorf – Ecovillage Ithaka / USA
In dem Film „Schluss mit schnell“ wurde über das Ökodorf Ithaka im Staat New York in den USA berichtet:
„Village Life
Life at EcoVillage is a dynamic balance between personal and family individuality, and cooperative community. Residents participate in shared work and play, each in their own way, while being mindful of impact on all.
Village Culture
The evolving village culture includes plenty of neighborly support for families in need, Snow play in Song Neighborhoodvarious annual celebrations to mark the seasons, and frequent ad hoc parties, music jams, and talent shows. We spend lots of time outdoors, gardening, playing, running, hiking, biking and stopping to chat along the paths. Many of us are actively engaged in the wider community of Ithaca and Tompkins County, which is rich with sustainability, social justice and civic engagement initiatives. We’re finding that living more cooperatively requires a lot of learning and work, but is richly rewarding and well worth the effort.cooperative community. Residents participate in shared work and play, each in their own way, while being mindful of impact on all.“
Alles über das Ökodorf Ithaka: http://ecovillageithaca.org/live/village-life/